In this worthy repository of spanking fiction you will find stories, poems, serials, letters, limericks, songs and even a play or two ... all related to the noble art of spanking. There are thousands of items available for perusal. Note that there is an ongoing program to check all the stories for content and validate them. We are constantly on the lookout for volunteers to help with the validation process, so if you can spare a couple of hours a week to help, please drop us a line. Please also report any errors or spelling mistakes in the documents using the Contact Us facility
Whilst we oppose the real life spanking of children, many spankophiles find the fictional account of such events of interest, and a number of the stories and poems do feature childhood spankings. If you are likely to be offended by such material then we strongly recommend you don't read it. Also a number of the stories contain explicit adult sexual material and these too should be avoided if likely to cause offence.
We make every effort to determine the actual authors of spanking stories and contact them. If you are the author of any of the stories or articles within the library and do not wish to have them on our site please get in touch using the Contact Us facility detailing the title of the items and we will remove them immediately.
Please note the copyright of all stories in the library resides with their respective authors unless stated otherwise.